What is the expected returns or profits?
Investors should expect a monthly average ROI up to 25% , however sometimes the return might be higher than expected.
What is the minimum account size you can manage?
The minimum Managed Account size for individuals is 500 USD only.
Are you registered firm?
Yes, Fxminor Ltd is a registered private company, Fund Management Activities ( SIC 66300 ) no. 12438624 .
Do you have an access to withdraw money from my account ?
No, the account owner is the only authorized party who can perform financial transactions such as withdrawals and deposits.
How secure is my investment?
Trading Forex can be unpredictable at times, which could expose open positions to risk if diligent risk management protocols are not effectively implemented. Many safety features have been configured in this product including a well-balanced hedging strategy that is applied if/when an account reaches a 20% drawdown. Investors can choose the drawdown percentage while submitting the account registration form.
How safe is your trading?
Risk Management is always at the forefront. We always aim to ensure the client’s initial deposit is safe and secure. For that reason, when onboarding new accounts we scale back on the risk exposure to target an acceptable monthly return for the first several months. This helps to ensure the new accounts are trading in a low risk trading environment. Once the account has grown for several months, we then slightly increase the risk according to the investor’s request.
How do i withdraw money?
You can withdraw money at any time without restrictions through your web account. All you need to do is to inform us when you submit a withdrawal request, so we can reset your account Lot allocation according to the account remaining balance.
Can I also trade on the account which you manage?
No, trading will be automatically disabled once the account is linked to our MAM (multi account manager). you wont be able to open, close, modify any trade. However you can still access your account trades, reports, and all other features 24/7.
I want you to stop trading in my trading account. What I should I do?
Login to your Fxminor account, move to settings, & cancel your subscription. After cancelation, we will close any existing trades and unlink your account from our MAM.
Or simply contact our customer support.
Is there any contract/agreement to be signed when i hire you as the fund manager?
​Absolutely yes, in order to link your trading account to our MAM, we will together with you, sign a POA (power of attorney) where you authorize us to trade on behalf of you, and send it to the financial broker.
How do I get started?
Simply visit our plans & pricing page, select your preferred plan, & sign up. We will contact you and help to complete all required steps.